Free 5-Day New Year Reset
Detox Your Body and Mind to
Boost Energy, Lose Weight, and Create Inner Peace
Hit the reset button on your health in just 5 days so that you can get rid of symptoms and make 2023 your healthiest year yet!
The Covid-19 pandemic's impact on global health cannot be denied.
It has heightened and aggravated chronic conditions, symptoms, and illnesses. As a result, many are struggling to regain their footing as we return to normal ways of life.
Now that we are in the new year, lots of us are setting resolutions, and if you're like most, health is at the forefront of your mind.
But due to the physical, mental, and emotional challenges many of us have faced in the last 2 years, we likely have some toxic buildup as a result of poor diet and lack of physical activity...
... not to mention, the stress, anxiety, and/or depression that increased worldwide due to the pandemic.
Let’s say you wanted to clean and reorganize your cluttered home.
Would you start by mopping the floors and wiping down the furniture before throwing out all the junk you want to get rid of?
Likely not – you’d probably start by getting rid of the clutter and everything that you don’t want to keep BEFORE you start cleaning and reorganizing.
Before we start new healthy habits like changing our diet or exercising more, our bodies need an opportunity to start with a clean slate from the toxicity we’ve accumulated in the past 2 years.
But here’s the thing – toxins don’t just come from foods. They’re actually present in all areas of your life, and over the course of 5 days, I’ll show you how you can detoxify your entire life so that you can make 2023 your healthiest year yet!
Boosting your energy, shedding excess pounds, and having laser focus that allows you to feel your BEST
Having healthy boundaries in all your relationships, which protects your peace and mental health
Being in complete control over your mind and emotions, no matter what life throws your way
Being crystal clear on your health goals so much that you know exactly what to do every single day to get there
That's the power of hitting the reset button on your health.
5-Day New Year Reset Details:
January 23rd: Reset Starts!
January 23rd - 27th: Join me LIVE on Instagram where I'll provide you with a daily task to help you detoxify a different area of your life which will set you up for success for the rest of the year.
(And if you don't have Instagram, you'll have access to everything on our all-access replay page!)
Day 1: Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) + Toxic Relationships
Step into your power by eliminating negative thoughts that hold you back from making progress in your life. Also, set healthy boundaries with those in your life so that you can protect your peace and mental health.
Day 2: Poor Posture
Poor posture can result from an increased sedentary lifestyle, which most of us experienced during the pandemic. Improve posture so that you can get rid of aches and pains, fatigue, and digestive discomfort while improving circulation and mobility.
Day 3: Sugar
Sugar feeds the bad bugs in our gut which perpetuates dysbiosis (bacteria imbalance in the gut), leading to gut issues and overall inflammation. Eliminate sugar to amplify weight loss, improve gut health, and boost energy and mood so that you can optimize your health as we go into the new year.
Day 4: Caffeine + Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol are two things that many of us become dependent on, which can prevent us from showing up as our best selves each day. Eliminate alcohol and caffeine to improve sleep, increase energy, boost mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and increase weight loss and overall wellness so that you become the best version of yourself this year.
Day 5: Social Media + TV
While often entertaining and informative, social media and TV can become distractions that deter us from doing the things that we need to get done during the day. Eliminate social media and TV to increase productivity and improve sleep, mental health, self confidence and self worth so that you can optimize your time for the things that truly matter to you.
PLUS, I'll share an opportunity to maintain and sustain your momentum from these 5 days for the rest of the year.
DISCLAIMER: Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ provide general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. The medical information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine make no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information provided. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ do not warrant that: (a) the medical information provided will be constantly available, or available at all; or (b) the medical information provided is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading. You must not rely on the information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare providers. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™. You agree not to hold Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ liable for any damages arising from or relating to your reliance on any of the medical information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™. Additionally, you agree not to repeat the medical information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ to a third party, as that third party may not have read this disclaimer and understood the caveats involved in receiving the information. If you should repeat the medical information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ to a third party, whether through writing, electronically, or orally, you agree that you will indemnify us and defend us against any claims for damages by that or any other third party which received its information as a result of your actions, either in whole or in part. In other words, if the third party you told the information to repeat it to another third party, you must indemnify us and defend us against claims made by either of those third parties. All information provided by Dr. Connie Cheung and Functional Yoga Medicine™ is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for your healthcare professional or physician.
© 2023 Dr. Connie Cheung DBA Functional Yoga Medicine™